Thursday, March 28, 2019

hi my name is kaden and today we are doing a book review this is my first one and if you can coment on how i can make it better then that would be apresheated and what i could work on next time is how much information i could wright

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

kadens writing dlo

hi mi name is kaden and today we were doing a DLO on 
our writing structure this is what we were doing we had to link a video to it is well this is
what the video is video

i think i can work on how much i wright and what the quality

drowning prevention

Hi my name is kaden and i am apart of the William Pike Challenge Award and we went to west haven beach for a water safety day we split up into 8 groups i was in group 7 we went and got life jackets then we went to our rotation our first one we had to capsize our boat it was freaky

the 2 activity we did was paddle boarding

the 3 was kayaking

the 4 was learning how to rescue people

the 5 was water safety

Friday, March 22, 2019

the hinuas

hi i am kaden and we went  to the hinuas for the WILLIAM PIKE CHALLENGE  AWARD,
we went on a 50 minut drive to get there when we got there we put bug spray on and then we stated walking we came across a cowrie die back sign and we had to clean our feet on a brush and spray it after a wile we came up to a small waterfall

after a wile we had lunch we got to a massive stair case
 and it took ages for us to get to the top once we got to the top we sat down and we listened to all around us then we walked back to the car and drove home

Thursday, March 14, 2019

team billding

hi my name is kaden and today we were doing team building this is what we did

thank you for your time

Friday, March 1, 2019


hi mi name is kaden and i am in the William pike challenge award

this is some of the things we mite do click here 

we are going to do 20 hours of community service 

20 hours doing our passion project

5 outdoor activity 

and lots of fun