Thursday, October 31, 2019

kadens cool dude code

this is the code to my little quiz i have been working on here is the link.

i hope you like it

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019


we arrived at caving and cafe i was so exited we got our gear on and headed to the cave entrince after meny waving paths we finally got there equiped with our torches and helmits we went into the cave and set of we went over lots of rocks and there were meny deap puddles that were up to my nees it was also ice cold water that we were treding through eventualy we came up on a small creviss that we could slip through douwn to a nother levl it was very narow when we got down to it we had to crawl through water it took a wile to go then we got to a masive cave it had a big stelikmite and the water was driping rapidly down so it was completly flat on the top you could actualy see the glow worms right beside your head not just far away then we eventualy got out and i was so sad because i had a good time 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

sign language passion project

i signed in to my sign language site and it didn't save it i was so mad because i had to start again it took me an hour and a halve to get back to were i was if any one wants to learn sign language here is a good site for it